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- Product ID: 27220
James Monroe represents an end of an era in many ways. Firstly, he was the final Founding Father that was elected president, as well as the last of the Virginian Dynasty. Growing up in rural Virginia, Monroe didn't follow his family's footsteps of owning a plantation. Instead, Monroe fought in the Revolutionary War, where he was severely injured by a musket in the Battle of Trenton. It would be under Thomas Jefferson that Monroe would study law while he was serving as a delegate in the Continental Congress. Under his presidency, Florida was purchased from Spain, and the Louisiana Purchase was discussed in France. Monroe also had prior political experience as the Secretary of State and of War, during the War of 1812.
The Presidential Dollar series honors all of the past US presidents, by featuring four on the obverse of each year. Starting in 2007, the first four presidents were portrayed on the first four Presidential Dollars. Designed by mint-engraver, Don Everhart, James Monroe follows suite and is the first president on the 2008 collection. Everhart's depiction is of a younger Monroe, with his name and years of term, inscribed around his youthful face. The reverse memorializes the Statue of Liberty and contains the coin's legal tender value of $1. Since the Sacagawea Dollar received so much positive attention for its unique golden color, the US Mint decided to use the same metallic composition of copper and manganese brass. The Presidential Dollar series is ideal for a beginner collector or someone who admires history. With ease and popularity, the Presidential Dollar series is accessible to anyone who is looking for a fun and historical collection!