Italy 10 lire 1950 KM#90 UNC

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    1 In Stock
  • Product ID: 29117
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  • Description:

    The Italy 10 Lire 1950 KM#90 is a remarkable piece of Italian numismatic history, representing a period of stabilization and growth for Italy in the early post-war years. The coin was issued during a time when Italy was consolidating its new republican identity following the end of World War II and the establishment of the Italian Republic in 1946. The year 1950 marked a time of economic and social adjustment as Italy continued to rebuild and develop its national economy and infrastructure.

    Designed by the renowned engraver Luigi Giorgi, the coin features an elegant and symbolic representation of Italy's national themes. On the obverse side, the coin displays a classical allegorical figure of Italy, depicted with grace and dignity. This figure is portrayed with a laurel wreath, a traditional symbol of victory and honor, which reflects the nation's aspirations for peace and progress. Surrounding this figure are the inscriptions “REPUBBLICA ITALIANA,” meaning "Italian Republic," affirming the coin’s role as a symbol of Italy’s renewed sovereignty and republican ideals.

    The reverse side of the coin features a compelling design of an olive branch and a sheaf of wheat. The olive branch symbolizes peace, unity, and prosperity, while the wheat stalk represents Italy’s agricultural heritage and economic ambitions. This combination of symbols conveys Italy’s focus on fostering both peace and economic growth during this transformative period. The denomination "10 LIRE" is prominently displayed, emphasizing the coin’s value and practical use in everyday transactions.

    Minted by the Italian Mint, the 10 Lire 1950 coin is a testament to the high standards of craftsmanship and quality associated with Italian coinage. The Italian Mint, with its long history of producing coins of exceptional artistry and precision, ensured that this coin met rigorous standards. The meticulous attention to detail in the design and minting of the 10 Lire 1950 reflects the Mint’s commitment to excellence and its role in supporting Italy's economic recovery.

    The mintage of the 10 Lire 1950 was substantial, indicating the widespread need for a new series of coins as Italy continued to stabilize its economy and financial systems. Although precise mintage figures can vary, it is known that the coin was produced in large quantities to meet the demands of daily transactions. This high mintage ensures that the coin remains accessible to collectors and historians interested in the post-war Italian era.

    Italy in 1950 was a nation focused on rebuilding and modernizing after the devastation of World War II. The country was undergoing significant changes as it adapted to its new republican government and sought to restore its economy and infrastructure. The 10 Lire 1950 coin encapsulates this period of transition, symbolizing Italy’s determination to achieve stability and growth. It represents a time when the nation was embracing its new identity and working towards a brighter future.

    In conclusion, the Italy 10 Lire 1950 KM#90 is a significant coin that captures a pivotal moment in Italy’s history. Its design, minting quality, and historical context provide valuable insights into the country’s post-war recovery and development. As a collectible item, the 10 Lire 1950 offers a connection to Italy’s mid-20th-century history and serves as a symbol of the nation’s resilience and progress during a critical period of transformation.

  • Details:
    • Denomination: N/A
    • Year: 1950
    • Diameter: N/A
    • Mint Mark: N/A
    • Thickness: N/A
    • Grade: N/A

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