Italy 10 lire 1948 KM#90 XF

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  • Product ID: 29116
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  • Description:

    The Italy 10 Lire 1948 KM#90 is an important and collectible piece of Italian numismatic history, symbolizing a pivotal moment in the nation's post-war recovery. The coin was issued during the early years of the Italian Republic, following the end of World War II and the establishment of the republic in 1946. This period was marked by significant political and economic changes as Italy sought to rebuild and modernize after the ravages of the war. The 10 Lire 1948 represents not just a denomination of currency, but also a symbol of Italy's renewed sovereignty and progress during the immediate post-war years.

    The coin's design features a distinctive and elegant representation of Italy’s national symbols. On the obverse side, the 10 Lire 1948 displays the portrait of the Italian Republic's emblem, featuring a classical allegorical figure of Italy. This design was created by the renowned engraver, Luigi Giorgi, known for his work on Italian coinage during the mid-20th century. The figure is rendered with fine details, including the laurel wreath, which symbolizes victory and honor. Surrounding the portrait are the inscriptions “REPUBBLICA ITALIANA,” which translates to "Italian Republic," affirming the coin's role in representing the newly established republic.

    The reverse side of the coin features a stylized representation of an olive branch and a sheaf of wheat. These symbols are traditional emblems of peace and agricultural prosperity. The olive branch denotes peace and unity, while the wheat stalk represents Italy’s agrarian heritage and its aspirations for economic growth. The design is complemented by the denomination "10 LIRE" prominently displayed, reflecting the coin’s value and practical use in daily transactions. The overall aesthetic of the coin is both symbolic and functional, capturing the spirit of recovery and renewal that characterized Italy in the late 1940s.

    The minting of the 10 Lire 1948 took place at the Italian Mint, which was responsible for producing high-quality coins that met both practical and numismatic standards. The Italian Mint has a long history of producing coins with exceptional craftsmanship, and the 1948 issue is no exception. The attention to detail in the coin’s design and minting reflects the Mint's commitment to excellence and its role in supporting Italy’s post-war economic stabilization.

    The mintage of the 10 Lire 1948 was substantial, reflecting the need for a new series of coins to replace wartime and pre-war issues. Although exact figures for the mintage are not always readily available, it is known that the coin was produced in significant quantities to facilitate everyday transactions. This high mintage ensures that the 10 Lire 1948 remains accessible to collectors, while still holding value due to its historical significance and the quality of its design.

    Italy, during the late 1940s, was undergoing a profound transformation. The country was transitioning from a monarchy to a republic, and the immediate post-war years were characterized by efforts to rebuild the economy, restore political stability, and address social challenges. The 10 Lire 1948 coin embodies this period of transition, reflecting Italy’s determination to forge a new identity and achieve recovery after the devastation of World War II. It stands as a testament to Italy's resilience and optimism during a critical juncture in its history.

    In conclusion, the Italy 10 Lire 1948 KM#90 is a significant piece of numismatic history that captures the essence of Italy's post-war era. Its design, minting, and historical context provide insight into the country's recovery and renewal during the late 1940s. As a collectible item, the 10 Lire 1948 offers valuable connections to Italy's mid-20th-century history, making it a noteworthy addition to any collection focused on Italian numismatics and the broader historical narrative of post-war Europe.

  • Details:
    • Denomination: N/A
    • Year: 1948
    • Diameter: N/A
    • Mint Mark: N/A
    • Thickness: N/A
    • Grade: N/A

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