Peace Dollar Rolls By Date

Since the Philadelphia Mint was the first mint facility in the US, it was not required to mark its coins, thus leaving all coins minted there without a mint-mark. The Philadelphia Mint produced ... (more)
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Product ID: 10544
When the US Mint decided to switch the silver dollar from the Morgan to the Peace, portraying Lady Liberty differently was the only option. Aside from weight, metal content, and denomination, the ... (more)
Product ID: 10546
Its mintage significantly larger than its San Francisco counterpart, the 1924 Peace silver dollar offers collectors a variety of grades and conditions. Minted at the first mint facility, in the ... (more)
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Product ID: 10547
Another large mintage coin that collectors can be more picky about, the 1925 Peace silver dollar was minted at the Philadelphia Mint. The Philadelphia Mint produced the most Peace silver dollars, ... (more)
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Product ID: 10548